Playstation 4 Introduces Subscription Fees for Playstation Network


Playstation announced that they will be introducing a $50 subscription fee per year for Playstation Network gamers. Unfortunately they’re following the trend of pay-to-play like Microsoft, though marginally cheaper.

The announcement comes after all the beneficial publicity Playstation 4 has received due to the negative publicity that revolved around Xbox the last few months. It will be interesting to see how Playstation fans will take this news. Are you in favour of the introduction of subscription fees, for what Sony are claiming will fund the development of a more secure, stable Playstation Network?

Playstation Network has a notorious reputation with downtime, after it was hacked more than a few times in the last few years. Some believe the reason for the plethora of attacks on Playstation is because it has a wider consumer base, while others insist it is because their system is generally more vulnerable than Microsoft’s Xbox Live system. Who’s your side of the story?

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