Were Microsoft’s Xbox One restrictions one big marketing ploy?


Around the globe, Xbox fans were shocked when they were surprised with the merciless restrictions on how they were able to utilise their future  Xbox One. Microsoft caused controversy over limitations placed on one’s ability to play games based on an internet connection, one’s ability to sell & buy second hand games or one’s ability to play without Kinect.

These restrictions resulted in a public outcry from those who have stuck with Microsoft’s Xbox over the years. People felt insulted when they introduced these new DRM protection ideas, and, it seemed for a long while that Microsoft was in fact, ignoring their consumer base.

Along with these restrictions, Xbox One was priced nearly 1/5 more than the price of the Playstation 4. No one, not even I, could understand the reasoning behind this. Their idea was: You pay more for less? A slogan which was obviously reversed from its true meaning.

Though, to everyone’s surprise, yesterday Microsoft announced it’s changes to the system, removing these features which were seriously going to damage sales. Xbox fans rejoice.

Now, this begs the question, was it all a publicity stunt to begin with? I mean, the Xbox One has some pretty impressive features, including kernels from both Windows 8 and Microsoft’s Xbox platform. These kernels could give rise to some very useful modifications in the future. Do you think that Microsoft planned to revert these outrageous restrictions from the very beginning? Or do you believe that it was a just a bad management choice at the beginning?

Either way, Xbox gamers can be happy again. Those of you without internet connections (but seriously enter the 21st century!) need not worry anymore. You can play your games offline. You can sell the games if you deem them terrible and finally, Microsoft doesn’t have to see your face before you play.

Do you think Xbox One will outsell Playstation 4 this Christmas?

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