Acer Aspire P3 – Is it the tablet for you?

                                                  Photo by vernieman

Acer’s new P3 Tablet, running Windows 8, is an impressive Ultrabook. However, there are many of its kind. With tablets being announced, publicised and released virtually every other day, it can be hard to keep up with the goings of technology.

So you’re in the market looking for a new tablet, but you’re not sure what to get. The question is difficult to give a generalising answer to, as it completely depends on what you intend to use it for. Some tablets can be bought for sub $100. Low priced tablets will tend to cater for the needs of you social networkers, simply using Facebook, twitter and your favourite browser.

However, as you delve into the more pricey tablets, you begin to wonder what you can get out of it. Aspire P3 comes with a hefty $899 price tag, though it sports an impressive 1.5Ghz i5 processor (3339Y) along with 4GB of RAM (upgradable up to another 4GB!). This alone is enough to power most applications from the Windows Store. Be it from simple games, to using the Microsoft Suite.

The Acer Aspire P3 also sports an Intel HD 4000 onboard graphics card, which is currently what my laptop is using now. My personal laptop is 2GB of RAM and a couple of .GHZ higher than this machine, leading us to believe that this tablet could quite potentially have enough power to play games such as “Heroes of Newerth,” or others of similar requirements on low to medium graphics, as I play games on this laptop myself.

Another benefit of this machine, which it outperforms my laptop on, is the 120GB SSD’s. SSD’s bring a huge benefit in terms of speed. This can boost your experience with any device as applications run more quickly than traditional hard drives and SD cards.

The Aspire P3 comes with an 11.6 inch touch screen display, which is pleasantly larger than many tablets on the market for viewing experience.

In conclusion, the P3 is a powerful device, but for the extra $100, you may want to check out a Surface Pro, as $900 isn’t exactly targeting the budget consumer. We wouldn’t exactly recommend playing games with this tablet, but we believe it could be possible. If looking for a machine to dedicate to games, then we would encourage you to look elsewhere, though overall, this machine is enough to compete with the high rollers like Microsoft and Samsung in this game.

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